Join Temple Beth Ami For Our Passover Seder
Friday, April 19 at 7:00 PM
Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring your friends and family to share
a nice kosher dinner and celebrate the first night of Passover with us.
NonMembers: $52.00
Members: $45.00
Children: $28.00 (12 & Younger)
Please RSVP With Payment By: Monday, April 15
*Let us know how many people you will be attending with and also about any dietary restrictions by the RSVP date. Unfortunatley, we are unable to guarantee the appropriate accommodations can be made for any requests received after 4/15/2019 and/or on the night of the Seder. **NO money will be accepted at the door.
Saturday, April 6th at 9:00 AM, Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh Nissan
Friday, April 19th at 7:00 PM, Erev Shabbat and TBA's Annual Community Seder
Saturday, April 20th at 9:00 AM, Shabbat and First Day of Passover
Sunday, April 21st at 9:00 AM, Second Day of Passover
Friday, April 26th at 9:00 AM, Seventh Day of Passover
Saturday, April 27th at 9:00 AM, Shabbat, Eighth Day of Passover, and Yizkor
The observance of Passover requires that we transfer the legal ownership of ALL Non-Passover foods and utensils for the eight days. It has been our practice to appoint our Gabai, Sony Meles, as agent to represent you in the performance of this mitzvah. By filling out the below form, you authorize him to sell your Chometz in accordance with the tradition of our people. PLEASE RETURN THE BELOW FORM NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2019.
As we prepare to celebrate the holiday of Pesach, it was and is customary to remember those in our community who might need our help in preparing for the holiday. Our tradition is to contribute to the Maot Chittim Fund (money for wheat/matzah) so that funds will be available for those less fortunate to prepare for the festival. Please consider a contribution to the Maot Chittim Fund, by making out a check to the synagogue directed to this worthy cause.
Friday evening, April 19, 2019, at sunset, we will usher in the Festival of Passover. The holiday will be concluded on Saturday evening, April 27, after sunset. Yizkor Memorial Services will be recited at Temple Beth Ami on Saturday morning, April 27, 2019 at approximately 9:00 AM.
May this Festival of Passover be joyous and happy for you and your family, and may G-d bless you in all that you do and undertake.
If you are having First Seder with family at home. here are two links for a free Passover Hagadah:
COPYRIGHT 2018-2019 5778-5779 TEMPLE BETH AMI